Helpful learning tools

Education for adult beginners and youth alike is very important to us. We have compiled several workshop handouts made by different groups to aid in teaching basics of goat showing and breeding. We will always be adding to this list to help build a good base for educational materials.

Click the links below to download the PDF worksheets to print or save your personal device.

Showing and 4-H

Outline for 4-H herd goals

Showmanship Tips & Tricks

Parts of the Dairy Goat

Easy Dairy Goat Conformation

ADGA Unified Scorcard

ADGA Breed Illustrations and Overview

Show Ring Disqualifications

Reading an ADGA Production Evaluation

Pygmy Vs. Nigerian

Heath Guides

Dosage for Common Medications

CD&T vs Antitoxin


We don't pretend to know everything and raising animals is always a learning and growing process. Fortunately there are some great minds with years of experience that have published lots of information for the public on other internet sites. There are many methods to raising goats and ultimately you have to decide what works for you. The biggest thing to keep in mind is the more you read you will find yourself in fewer emergency and dire situations. Preparation is key!

Here are some of the sites and resources we have found extremely helpful for general knowledge as well as last minute planing and emergencies. 
This is really my primary go-to site. I trust the information on here more than 90% of the blogs and group forums out there. (Also check out Molly's Herbals)
If you need blood tests done on your herd it is way less expensive to do it yourself. This is a link to a friends’ blog on how to DIY blood testing. She does a wonderful job of explaining the process with pictures. She also has a lovely sense of humor and her blog is a hoot!
This is a great site for registration when you need to figure out what to call the crazy colors kids can be born with
ADGA offers a variety of learning materials for herd management and performance programs! There is so much to learn from the professionals!
American Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Association the official breed club for Nigerians offering youth programs and specialty awards for performance.

Bitterroot Dairy Goat Association 
My hometown goating group! They host shows, LA events and offer links to other breeders around the state.